2nd Myanmar Investment Summit starts Oct. 17
Numerous global foreign corporate executives and regional businessmen, government officials and business expert will discuss sectors including mining, power and electricity, telecommunications, property, agriculture and plantations as well as trading sectors.
In addition, discussions will include mining, telecoms, automotive, port and inland shipping plus relevant legal and commercial issues.
Key government officials will present papers including Aung Naing Oo, the director general of the Directorate of Investment & Company Administration (DICA) on “Investment Opportunities and Private Sector Development,” and Maung Maung Win, the director general of the Ministry of Finance and Revenue’s Budget Department, on “Financial & Banking Reforms in Myanmar.”
Also addressing the conference will be senior representatives from the Ministry of Transport; Ministry of Mines; and the Customs Department from Ministry of Finance and Revenue.
Other speakers include leading authorities representing the private sector including All Myanmar Investment Partners; VDB Loi; Frost & Sullivan; General Electric Company; Economically Progressive Ecosystem Development (EcoDev) Group; P&A Asia; Colliers International Thailand; and TNS Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
The summit’s theme “Towards Successful Joint Ventures and Financing” will focus in on new investment laws, joint ventures, structuring the right business models, implication of the Foreign Investment Law (FDI) for investors, environmental compliance of doing business in Myanmar, land sourcing for industrial, agricultural, hospitality and commercial use, and other issues.
The summit is preceded by a pre-conference program on “Myanmar Telecoms Reform Update” led by experienced telecom experts, and a post-conference workshop titled “Business Contracts in Myanmar” conducted by Alessio Polastri, a managing partner with P&A Asia.
Bundle deals to attend the telecom reform update, the main summit and the post-conference workshop are available.
To register or for more information, go to www.cmtevents.com or call Ms. Hafizah at 65 6346 9218.